Shinvi Profile
Shinvi Profile

Single Gallery

Group Gallery

1st Album Pix



Welcome to ShinVi
Position: Leader/Vocal
Date of birth: 6 1983 March
Height & weight: 163cm/42kg
Family: 1 elder brother
Hobbies & specialty: music appreciation
Motto: Should have become the person who is necessary!
SanG EuN
Position: Lead Vocal
Date of birth: 24 1984 August
Height & weight: 159cm/45kg
Family: 1 elder brother
Hobbies & specialty: song, piano, motion picture appreciation and music appreciation.
Motto: All work the best!

Yu Na
Position: Vocal
Date of birth: 18 1985 April
Height & weight: 160cm/43kg
Hobbies: games and web inside, music appreciation
Family: 1 elder brother
Motto: I can do it!

.::EternaL GasoO::.